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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Data communication & networks Question papers

DEC 2005  [2880] – 302
Time : 3 Hours                                                                       Max. Marks 70
                   Note 1) Question 1 is compulsory and answer any three
                                 From the remaining
                             2) All Question carry equal marks.
                             3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
1.a) Explain features of X.25 networks and its channel option.                     [10]
   b) Explain OSI Layers and its functions                                                     [10]

2.a) What is structured cabling ? Explain various components used
        in structure cabling.                                                                             [10]

    b) Compare the following :                                                                        [10]
         i) Connection Oriented and Connectionless Network.
          ii) Hardware and Software protocol
3.a) What is HDLC ? Explain HDLC frame format in detail.                           [10]

   b) Explain Tokenring (IEEE 802.5) in terms of specification and frame
        format.                                                                                                 [10]

4.a) Explain pre-requisites for Inter-Connection Networks.                           [10]

   b) Explain the various media for Network Communication.                        [10]

5. Write short notes on any four:                                                                  [20]
          i) SDLC
          ii) SPX/IPX
          iii) Segmentation
          iv) TDM and TDMA
          v) Modem
          vi) Application Layer Protocols.

MAY 2006 [2980] – 302
Time : 3 Hours                                                                          Max. Marks 70
                 Note : 1) Q .No. 1 is compulsory and answer any 3 from
                               the remaining
                            2) All question carry equal marks
                        3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.

1.a) Compare the following :                                                                        [10]
        i) LAN and WAN
       ii) Client-server and peer network.

   b) Explain OSL Layers and its functions.                                                  [10]

2.a) Describe TCP/IP features and also explain IP datagram
       Structure in detail.                                                                               [10]

   b) What is structure Cabling ? Explain it in terms of cable
        laying methods.                                                                                   [10]

3.a) What is X.25 ? Describe its features and also explain
       its architecture.                                                                                    [10]  

   b) What is HDLC ? Explain different HDLC options.                                  [10]

4.a) What is Modem ? Explain procedure for setting dial up
       connection on windows 98.                                                                  [10]

   b) Explain BUS topology (IEEE802.3) in terms of standards,
       Specification and frame format.                                                             [10]

5. Write shorts notes on any four :                                                               [20]
     a) BSC.
     b) SDLC.
     c) Route discovery Protocols.
     d) 8PX/IPX>
     e) NIC.
     f) Cascading of switches.

DEC 2006 [3080] – 302
( 2005 Pattern ) (New)
Time : 3 Hours                                                                            Max. Marks 70
                   Note : Q.1 & Q.7 Compulsory
                              Solve any three from remaining

1.a) Explain DHCP in detail. Explain scope resolution in DHCP
       with example.                                                                                       [10]

   b) Explain various components used in building LAN.                              [10]

2. Explain E-mail procedure using message structure, addressing,
        Sending and receiving.                                                                         [10]

3. Explain various IP address scheme with example.                                     [10]

4. Explain SNMP organisation and problem with SNMP.                               [10]

5. What is firewall ? Explain firewall policies and rules.                                [10]

6. Compare IPV4 and IPV6 datagram structure.                                           [10]

7. Write shorts Notes any four :                                                                    [20]
    a) Circuit switching

    b) Connection- oriented networks

    c) Cable transmission media

    d) ISDN

    e) x.25 network

b)               Datalink layer in OSI model

MAY 2007 [3180] – 302
 ( New Course 2005 Pattern )
Time : 3 Hours                                                                        Max. Marks 70
                             Note: 1) Q.1 & Q.6 are compulsory
                                       2) Solve any three From Q.2 To 6.
1.a) What is DNS and DNS protocols ? How delegation of authority
        is executed in DNS?                                                                             [10]

   b) Explain TCP as a reliable protocol.                                                        [10]

2.    Explain REQUEST and RESPONSE in HTTP Communication                [10]

3.    What is VPN ? Explain IP sec protocol’s role in VPN communication.     [10]

4.    Explain various component’s used in building a local area network.      [10]

5.    Explain DHLP scope resolution with example.                                       [10]

6.    Write shorts notes (any four)                                                                 [20]
     i) ATM traffic management
    ii) IP routing
    iii) Firewall   
    iv) Topologies
     v) Gigabyte
    vi) Data-link Layer in OSL model.

DEC 2007 [3280] – 302
( New Course 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours                                                                            Max. Marks 70
                             Note : 1) Q.1 & Q. 7 are compulsory
                                        2) Solve any three from the remaining
                                        3) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary
1.a) Explain in detail E-mail Protocols.                                                         [10]

   b) What is DNS ? Explain DNS resolving process in detail.                        [10]

2. What is firewall ? Explain different types of firewalls and also
    rules and policies on firewall.                                                                   [10]

3. Explain LAN accessing techniques – CSMA/CD and polling in detail.        [10]

4. Explain in detail DHCP & scope resolution.                                              [10]

5. Explain in detail sliding windows and TCP connection.                             [10]

6.Explain HTTP Communication in detail.                                                    [10]

7. Write short notes  Any four :                                                                    [20]

  i) Packet switching

 ii) Bridge

iii) Ethernet Network

iv) Broadband ISDN

 v) Problems with SNMP

vi ) IPV 4 Vs  IPV6

MAY 2008 [3380] – 302
(2005 Pattern New)
Time : 3 Hours                                                                    Max. Marks 70
          Note : 1) Q. No1 & 7 are compulsory.
                  2) solve any three from the remaining.
                  3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.

1. A) What is DNS ? Explain DNS protocol in detail.                         [10]

    B) Explain HTTP Communication : Response message in detail.   [10]

2. What is Security ? Explain different types of security threats .     [10]

3. Explain how TCP is reliable protocol.                                           [10]

4. Explain different transmissions protocols used in LAN.                [10]

5. Compare the following :                                                                [10]

a)    Connectionless and connection oriented Networks

b)    Peer to Peer and Client-Sever Networks.

6. What is MIME ? Explain its purpose and format in detail.            [10]    

7. Write short notes (any four)                                                          [20]

          i) Physical and data link layer its purpose and OSI model.

       ii) Router

      iii) Gigabit Ethernet

      iv) IPV6

       v) VSAT.

1.      What is HDLC ? Explain HDLC frame format in detail.                                [10]
2.      Explain HTTP Protocol, Request header and Response  in detail.                   [10]
3.      Explain the various media for Network Communication.                                [10]
4.      What is Security ? Explain different types of security threats .             
Explain encryption and virtual private network?                                               [10]
5.      Compare OSI reference model vs TCP/IP models.                                           [10]
6.      Explain sliding window protocol                                                                       [10]
7.      What is ATM ? Describe its features and also explain its architecture.            [10]                                                 
8.      Write short notes on any four:                                                                           [20]
Packet Switching

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